Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome Back, Miggy

Ok, so the Orioles signed Miguel Tejada. I guess Andy MacPhail doesn't read my blog.

Let me just clarify that, in terms of being a baseball player, Tejada still has plenty of ability. As I've said, his home run power is probably gone forever. I doubt he can be counted on to hit over 20 home runs ever again. Hopefully, he can make the defensive transition from shortstop to third base without many issues. Offensively, the Orioles were not going to find a better option for third base with the remaining free agents.

If Tejada can keep all of his past issues behind him, he will be a valuable member of the 2010 Baltimore Orioles. It has been reported that several current Orioles wanted Tejada on the team and are excited to have him back. If they are excited, so am I.

This move might also indicate that the Orioles believe Josh Bell needs a full year at Triple-A. At the very least, it provides the Orioles with the ability to not have to rush Bell.


  1. Do the Orioles now need a team psychologist?

  2. Boy I hope they don't. That could lead to incrementally higher ticket prices and an extra burden on us members of the working class.
